I recently listened to a podcast by Mia Freedman (my idol!!) and she stated an expression about friendship that really resonated with me. She explained each friendship in your life to either be in the category of a season, a reason or a lifetime.
Season being, having a friendship only for a certain amount of time, for example, your school friends. Season friends aren’t necessarily friends that you had a falling out with or friendships that ended dramatically but simply friendships that slowly end over time, you know, when life stuff happens. It could be due to, people growing up and gaining different interests, or even one of your friends just simply moving away.
Friendship for a reason is defined as the friends that were put in your life with a reason or purpose. For example, one of my best friends and I met through our exes (which is kind of awkward, but we find it hilarious to tell people when they ask us how we met) but we truly do believe the universe set us up with our ex-partners so we could meet and become close friends. Her friendship has taught me many lessons, and she would say the same about my friendship with her. And these lessons are the exact reason she was put in my life.
Finally, lifetime friendships, or as I call it with my lifetime friends, sisterhood. These are the friendships that last forever no matter what. You don’t have to see each other constantly but it’s the type of friendship that when you do see each other, nothing has changed. You just pick up from where you left it last time. You may have spent years apart, but every time you see each other, their company is the exact same. You know, the same comfort you get from a warm blanket, in comparison to the weird cold feeling on the flip side of your pillow. This is the friendship where you can feel a noticeable difference between just being friends with someone, in comparison to having a friendship with someone. You have deep, intimate conversations with a lifetime friend that then allows you to feel a deep friendship bond forming. And thinking about it, these lifetime friends could even start as season or reason friendships!
Having each of these friendships is important. There is no hierarchy on which is the best friendship dynamic. Having season friendships are important as these are the friendships that help you discover who you are. They shape your interests, hobbies and skills. It’s okay to be close to people and then drift. There is no need to pressure friendships because people grow up and change and when that happens, we shouldn’t have resentment (tip: read my previous article, ‘The process of growing up and moving on’, for more insight on that concept!).
Reason friendships are rare but definitely in your life for a reason, so whatever that may be, listen and value it.
Lifetime friends are the big leagues. Kind of like, Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner big leagues. And lifetime friends are very valuable. Kind of like, Gigi and Kendall’s net worth value.
However, even though I think of my lifetime friendships as Gigi and Kendall (big leagues style), my season and reason friendships are just as important, because who knows which one will turn into a lifetime friendship.
That’s my ramble.
Ruby x